A $20 discount on Skyrim's collectors edition joins modest savings and bonus credits on Tuesday's new releases to…
A $20 discount on Skyrim's collectors edition joins modest savings and bonus credits on Tuesday's new releases to…
In today's edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Balmung laments the impending release of too many titles for his…
More than 13,000 fans voted for their favorite video game ending of all time for the Guinness Book of World Records…
There are eight days until pitchers and catchers report to spring training in baseball. More importantly, there are…
I was the last one left after the nuclear holocaust, eh. The whole world had been destroyed, like the U.S. blew up…
Scut Farkus! What a rotten name! We were trapped. There he stood, between us and the alley. Scut Farkus staring out…
Winter used to be the worst time of the year to look for great new video games. Not anymore. Here are some of the…
We aren't done with the shopping holidays before the holidays. Tomorrow's Cyber Monday, a new tradition whereby…
Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't preorder Star Wars: STFU II with a…
Summer is a month old, but we like to think of the year's warmest season as two-thirds incomplete. With that, plan…