Game TipsGame TipsKotaku’s Weekend Guide: 6 Games To Escape From Reality WithEndless suffering (in a good way?), fantasy epics, intense courtroom drama, and more in our top picks this weekByClaire JacksonPublishedOctober 13, 2023
CultureCultureOverwatch Update Removes McCree's Noose SpraySince 2016, Overwatch’s McCree, a walking amalgam of cowboy movie references, has been able to slap an image of a…ByNathan GraysonPublishedJuly 15, 2020
7/11/17How To Redeem D&D's Worst Alignment, Which Is Obviously Lawful GoodEnter the tavern. Bite the plot hook. Go on your righteous journey. Kill the monsters. Fight the boss. Free the…ByCecilia D'AnastasioPublishedJuly 11, 2017