Ice Poseidon. Sweet_Anita. Trainwreckstv. “Twitch thots.” “Boobie streamers.” If any of these names and phrases ring…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Go Team Yeah
A smashing brawler game for 2-4 players!
Ice Poseidon. Sweet_Anita. Trainwreckstv. “Twitch thots.” “Boobie streamers.” If any of these names and phrases ring…
Mike Fahey and I have been battling all up and down Kanto in Pokémon Let’s Go. Now that our respective quests are at…
Netflix’s Castlevania is a strong adaptation and expansion on Castelvania III: Dracula’s Curse. I spoke to…
The 2014 indie hit Shovel Knight paid homage to the Nintendo Entertainment System’s pixel art and game design, but…
The old parental and Congressional outrage about video games was always pretty stupid. The belief that video games…
In certain ways, Life Is Strange 2 is a huge departure from the first game. It’s set in a different city, with…
Another Tokyo Game Show has come and gone, and Kotaku’s Brian Ashcraft and I were both there to see the sights, play…
Season 5 of BoJack Horseman premiered this weekend on Netflix. It’s full of the usual dark humor and animals doing…
Dragon Quest XI is the best game in the 32-year-old series.
One of the best things about Hollow Knight is how often it makes you feel like you’ve uncovered a secret. There was…