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Go Fight Fantastic! is a 3-player Action-RPG with heavy focus on teamwork and co-operation! Play as three unique characters (Tank, Striker or Healer), each with his/her own set of abilities - both over the Internet or with friends at home (couch co-op).
We've got your new gaming headset right here, your wallet won't even break a sweat.
A beautiful city with a seamy underbelly. A girl in danger. Weird magic. Beheadings. Junk food. Am I talking about…
I'm already on-record about how fascinating Prison Architect is. Seriously, it's SimPrison—or ThemePrison, if you…
Forget the controversial ending, the boring mining mini-games or the lack of playable Hanar. If there's one element…
And it's not half bad! Well, I might actually call it half bad, half good.
Paul Pope hasn't been hiding. You can find the writer/artist behind such acclaimed works as Heavy Liquid, Batman…
The creators of Halo aren't leaving their face-shooting skills behind. Destiny, Bungie's first new game since they…
These might be the most important words in comics: "Hey, have you read that?" The medium's lifeblood has always…
A game based on existing media has three options. It can strive to be faithful to the original work, privileging…
It would be easy, while reviewing Ni no Kuni, to sit at my desk and fling adjectives on the page like a fantasy…