Motion gaming, mobile gaming, traditional gaming. More than any year before, shopping for that gamer in your life…
Motion gaming, mobile gaming, traditional gaming. More than any year before, shopping for that gamer in your life…
The Ogre Battle series has still got it in Japan, with the latest entry in Square Enix's tactical role-playing game…
Welcome to the October 2010 edition of K Monthly, a look back at some of the best original video game coverage,…
Last night I had a chance to sit down for 15 minutes of Diablo III multiplayer arena battles. Forty-five minutes…
Microsoft let me play a finished copy of Halo Reach on one of their Xbox 360s today. They even let me save my…
He's the hero Logitech deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him because he can take it.…
When I was a kid, summer meant saving up my paperboy money for two things: Fireworks and video games.
The novel Ghosts of Ascalon attempts to bridge the 250-year gap between fantasy MMO Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2,…
The people who make Professor Layton games and the sharp-looking Studio Ghibli game Ni no Kuni have another hit on…
Wha...? An Xbox 360 game at the top of the Japanese sales charts? Sounds a bit kooky, right until we specify that…