Every month, millions of people play free sex games on Nutaku, a platform that distributes some of the biggest…
Open a gachapon and see where life takes you! Gacha is a cute, cosy game that takes the player through snapshots of a coming-of-age experience. There are many collectible toys to unlock and experiences to discover. We hope you enjoy it! Thank you Developed for Ludum Dare 44, with theme being "Your life is currency"
Every month, millions of people play free sex games on Nutaku, a platform that distributes some of the biggest…
Opening Overwatch loot boxes or Halo 5 REQ packs adds a special drama to a gaming session. The crate shakes. A…
Sometimes, video games are good. Other times, they suck. Here is a thing some good games do that really sucks.
I’ve been playing Nintendo’s latest free mobile game, Fire Emblem Heroes, for the last few days, and I’m struck by…
Fire Emblem Heroes, Nintendo’s free mobile strategy game, released yesterday afternoon in the U.S. Instead of…
Granblue Fantasy is huge in Japan. Enormous. The game is a smash hit. It’s been downloaded over five million times,…
There's nothing wrong with social games, m'kay? Social games are fine. But maybe it's time to ditch that moniker.…
With the illegalization of complete gacha being made, multiple social game companies have already either made…
Japanese social game makers DeNA and Gree both said they will begin phasing out controversial "complete gacha"…
We have Gree and DeNA, two huge social gaming companies, to thank for the massive growth in Japan's social gaming…