In case you've missed it, a video game idea on Kickstarter has helped smash the site's records by raising over one…
Funny Money is a strategy game in which players must collect a certain amount of money and then reach the exit.
In case you've missed it, a video game idea on Kickstarter has helped smash the site's records by raising over one…
The first Darkness game was released in 2007. With some original ideas for the genre and a setting that wasn't space…
We are proud—proud, I say!—to exclusively present the safe-for-work trailer for Exquisite Films' upcoming Tomb…
We've changed the way we review video games here at Kotaku. That makes this a perfect time to explain our approach…
Looking back on the list of video games I finished in 2011, it's an embarrassingly thin roster. It may be my least…
"I want to clear my name. I want to get these people to stop bothering me."
Twenty-one year-old Christopher Moore swung by his local Game Stop in Norfolk, Virginia. He paid cash for an Xbox…
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is my one of my favorite games released in 2011. Here's why I hate it.
We've seen our share of Humble Indie Bundles over the past year or two—independent developers who gather under the…
When Microsoft announced earlier this year that Double Fine would be making a Kinect-based Sesame Street game, many…