Over the weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia, white supremacists held a rally that escalated into violence. An…
Over the weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia, white supremacists held a rally that escalated into violence. An…
Legendaries are typically the most powerful monsters in the compendium, so getting one this weekend is likely going…
This weekend’s UFC title fight, Jose Aldo vs Max Holloway is, on paper, one of the best fights of the year. Aldo’s…
The new PS4/PC game What Remains of Edith Finch tells the tale of a doomed family living in a mansion off the coast…
Warning: If you haven’t played Deus Ex, but have maybe bought it in a Steam Sale as something you’re absolutely…
Think Tomodachi Life meets JRPG. That’s Miitopia, for you.
Super Mario Odyssey has Mario jumping into an actual city, which is populated by humans. One problem: the humans are…
Pokémon Sun Moon is a silly TV show, but some of the facial expressions it has been unloading are nothing short of ar…
When games let me roll a character before I start, I always make someone who seems cool, rather than min-maxing…
It’s online. There are young, attractive people. But there’s no nudity. There’s no sex. But there’s a ton of food.