Hello, Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. Nerdlove, the only dating advice column that knows how to get every ending…
Hello, Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. Nerdlove, the only dating advice column that knows how to get every ending…
The Evil Within was released across the world in the past few weeks. However, in Japan, its country of origin, it…
Planescape Torment is widely lauded as one of the best-written (not to mention weirdest) games of all time. It's…
Goku showing up on earth kicked off a whole string of ridiculous events in the Dragon Ball world, not all of which…
League of Legends' musty old tome of flimsy justifications for arbitrary arena fisticuffs is gone. Forever. In its…
Amazing Things I Saw While Playing the Best God Game Ever Made Read more
Honest! They're really gonna do it this time! Maybe.
Destiny is big on its customisation, but there's one thing missing - beards. This came to the fore when I asked…
Editor's note: The following is a guest editorial by Obsidian game designer Josh Sawyer. If you're a professional…