Jungle Adventure is the latest game pack for The Sims 4. It’s a vacation world, meaning your sim can go for a few…
Jungle Adventure is the latest game pack for The Sims 4. It’s a vacation world, meaning your sim can go for a few…
It’s been nearly 14 years since Blizzard launched the world’s most popular massively multiplayer online role-playing…
I’ve played approximately two billion video games this year. Narrowing that list down to 10 was a painful and bloody…
Resident Evil 7 embraced an unsettling horror presentation built around claustrophobia and dread. Players were…
Despite the best efforts of my Indian mom, I never really celebrated Diwali growing up. When I saw that The Sims 4…
This weeks marks the release of the final wave of toys in Lego Dimensions year two, possibly the final wave ever. If…
Beasts of Balance is a game of balancing skills featuring stylized plastic animals and icons. It’s also a colorful…
E3 is right around the corner, and that means we’re about to get deluged with colossal news and shiny new trailers.…
The Sims’ new Game Pack, Parenthood, makes growing sims behave more like real life teens and children. While the new…
A good trackball is hard to find. That wasn’t always the case, but in today’s world of super-high DPI mice, quality…