"FUCK," I shout, as I stomp my foot in anger. I hope my housemates can't hear me, but they probably can.
"FUCK," I shout, as I stomp my foot in anger. I hope my housemates can't hear me, but they probably can.
As fanfiction, Super Smash Bros. takes bits and pieces from many different Nintendo games and weaves them together…
In 2014, we shared the stories from game developers who have been laid off. We followed the ups and downs of the Ma…
Good news: Dragon Age: Inquisition is pretty great. Less-good news: Being a story-heavy role-playing game, it…
Lara Croft on a camel leads off this selection of comic book covers from the just-released Dark Horse comics…
The PlayStation Vita has come a long way in the last two and a half years. Sony's handheld console has navigated a…
Hello, Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column that can calculate the exact Twinkie…
Soccer is a twenty-two-player competitive ball game (CBG). Soccer has been in development for two thousand years.…
When people talk League of Legends, they throw around a lot of numbers. 32 million monthly players. 5 million people…