Alita Battle Angel is an adaptation of the beloved Gunmm manga, and it’s a movie where everything that could happen…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Evil Robots
Evil Robots is the classic defense of its base in the Rise of the Machine setting.
Alita Battle Angel is an adaptation of the beloved Gunmm manga, and it’s a movie where everything that could happen…
Back in 1985, Mattel and Filmation launched She-Ra: Princess of Power, a spin-off of the popular Masters of the…
Netflix’s Castlevania is a strong adaptation and expansion on Castelvania III: Dracula’s Curse. I spoke to…
Mega Man 11 is a fine game, and a worthy eleventh entry in a series that once set the bar for tricky platformers. It…
E3, a show in which the future of gaming pretends to be in the present, is in the past. Those demos that may or may…
A giant pile of nerd references masquerading as a movie, Ready Player One, premiered last night. Seung Park, Tim…
Cartoon Network’s ongoing quest to make video games based on animated television that do not suck reaches a new…
When it gets cold outside, there’s only one thing to do: stay indoors and watch anime. So let’s do exactly that!…
Nier Automata is cruel to its characters.