No one concerned about Overwatch needs a reminder that Overwatch goes live Monday at 7 PM Eastern time. You may be…
Epic War Saga, also known as Epic War MMO, or in the case of the relaunch, EpicWar Saga, is the sixth Epic War Game. Epic War Saga has a large fan base, however, the rating is lower then some of the other Epic Wars due to the energy system. The energy system was eventually removed. Epic War Saga has been anticipated for re-release after popularity shortened from Flash Player's expiration.
No one concerned about Overwatch needs a reminder that Overwatch goes live Monday at 7 PM Eastern time. You may be…
You have an Xbox 360 controller waiting for you in your living room and a console hungry to entertain you. It’s an…
You want to explore other universes? Get under the skin of some weird, complicated, are-we-even-sure-they’re-human…
QUOTE | “If you’re a gamer and you have high end graphics cards – I don’t want to stereotype – but you’re probably…
The second most-surprising thing about Marvel Comics’ big 2015 crossover comic book event is that it’s very good.…
Hot on the heels of Psycho Pass' second season comes Psycho Pass: The Movie. But as a movie that builds yet…
Cyber Monday incoming. Bookmark this page and get ready. We'll be adding deals as we get them and hyperlinking as…
A whir, a pop, and then the head explodes. Ceases to exist, really. Ropy tendrils of gray-black goop spiral…
Francis is the closest thing to a hardcore gamer I have in my life. He's the kind of guy that bought a DualShock 4…
2013's pretty much over and, boy, was it ever a great year for comics. Here's what I and other Kotaku staffers loved…