I love origin stories, especially when they’re related to games.
I love origin stories, especially when they’re related to games.
After two Lego Star Wars games covering a movie trilogy each, can Star Wars: The Force Awakens carry an entire Lego…
For a game about daredevil stunts and high-flying acrobatics, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst plays it remarkably safe.
The new Doom, really, is rather like the old Doom. You fight swarms of hulking demons. You never stop moving for…
I played a lot of the first Banner Saga, and while I liked it, it never really hooked me. The Banner Saga 2, however,…
One of the biggest misconceptions about Dark Souls is that it’s only for super-hardcore macho gamers looking to…
Last month we looked at a zombie-powered steampunk world in the first film adapted from the works of Project Itoh, Em…
Don’t look now, but your favourite video games are being infiltrated by the humble playing card.