Using a program called Worldpainter, a builder by the name of lentebriesje is trying to recreate all of planet Earth…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Earth is a 3D Planet
A fast shoot-em-up — with a twist. You have 10 seconds to live, flying close to asteroids or destroying enemies grants extra time. How long can you last?
Using a program called Worldpainter, a builder by the name of lentebriesje is trying to recreate all of planet Earth…
This year, legends walk the silver screen. From Captain Kirk to Superman, our greatest heroes are back, and facing…
Last week, during Gamescom, the folks behind the new Star Trek game put out a good-looking trailer and some nifty…
The world of video games is full of mighty people—people whose mere whims control what video games we play, what we…
The madness known as E3's only one week away and publishers are starting to tip their hands as to what we will and…
We've touched on popular science fiction and fantasy novels that need to have video games made out of them in the…
Many ruder-than-scientific words exist for "homosexual"; the faceless internet crams my inbox with them every day.
These images, supposedly from Doom 4, have popped up. It seems they were inadvertently spilled by the portfolio of…
I still remember when I saw The Blob. Not the original film, the 1988 remake. I was probably around ten years old,…
[Editor's Note: Every month, we pay Tim Rogers to share his unique view of video games. But Tim has gone and made a…