Each week throws off several new video game lists ranging from the humorous to the trivial. What's better? A list of…
An early first-person shooting arcade game released by Sega in 1969. It resembles a first-person light-gun shooter video game, but is in fact an electro-mechanical arcade game that uses rear image projection to produce moving animations on a screen.
Each week throws off several new video game lists ranging from the humorous to the trivial. What's better? A list of…
To market the PlayStation Vita, Sony enlisted the cast of Zoolander to showcase the handheld's new ability to make…
Nearly pristine. Frozen in time. That's what the claims are for a rare 1985 edition of the Nintendo Entertainment…
For more than 25 years, one of the constant laws of nature—like the speed of light—is the fact a duck hunt dog…
It's easy to look at Epoch in action and think it's trying to be Gears of War for the iPhone. Easy, and thankfully,…
Your Dovahkiin may be all sorts of bad-ass, but this video features the cutest Dragonborn of all. Thrill to this…
Up until now the best first-party Nintendo game on the 3DS was a remake of a 13-year-old Zelda game. If anyone can…
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception has grace and class, wit and good humor, and a generally jovial demeanor. It's a fun…
When you think about it, Duck Hunt is a pretty scary game. Get past the blue skies and cheery art design and that's…
Next week G4TV.com will begin streaming dark takes on a trio of video game classics.