In case you haven't heard, The Last of Us is really, really good. If you still haven't played the game that went all…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Drop the Dice
Drop the Dice is a “Side Game” whose goal is to score as many points as possible by placing your dice on the board! Optimize the positioning to obtain similar totals on your rows and columns, increase your score, use bonuses and cross the different levels!
In case you haven't heard, The Last of Us is really, really good. If you still haven't played the game that went all…
I'm sure some experienced players will say there's art in an elegant kill, but in this instance, I'm talking about…
Let’s just admit it. Battlefield 4 was never a game you were going to play for the single-player.
Any week where you can punch a couple hundred bears in the face is a good week. Add the return of one of the…
For one moment, the gap between playing a game on PC and on console seemed razor-thin. I played Need for Speed…
I featured one DICE artist last night, it's only fair tonight to showcase another man involved in the design of the…
It's been a design mainstay for some EA games since Bad Company 2, the "orange glow behind a soldier dude" effect…
Henrik Sahlström works as a concept artist at Battlefield developers DICE. But hey, that's not all he does. Guy also…
It’s ok if you’ve never played Dungeons and Dragons before. You can still appreciate Borderlands 2 shoved into a…
If Talisman Prologue is any indication of how the full version of the classic fantasy board game will pan out, then…