Is one of your friends or family currently obsessed with this “anime” thing and you have no idea what gift he or…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Dragon Guide
A family friendly Room Scale VR game of increasingly constrained movement
Is one of your friends or family currently obsessed with this “anime” thing and you have no idea what gift he or…
Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb, but you can get Batman The Complete Series Limited Edition Blu-ray…
The Vita completely skipped Black Friday and Cyber Monday. In fact, it's barely gotten a discount since Black…
Today's selection of articles from Kotaku's reader-run community: Dragon Age: Inquisition (for PC), the TAY Review • Stuff Yourself: Top 5 Games for a Thanksgiving Gaming Binge • Some Rambling about Serial Experiments Lain • Game of the Week — Hunting Metroids In Your Pocket [Metroid II: Return of Samus] Read more
Between Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, there are dozens of legendary Pokémon—not all of which are easy to find. But…
Today's selection of articles from Kotaku's reader-run community: Great Controls Are Like Great Food: Simple and Satisfying • The Company They Keep: How Log Horizon Ruined Sword Art Online II • Smash Preorder Woes! • How Bioware turned Dragon Age from a 'Dark European Fantasy' into a High Fantasy Wonderland Read more
If you include all of the race and gender choices for your protagonists as well as all the decisions you can have…
People ask us all the time whether they should buy a new-gen console? Should they get an Xbox One? A PS4? For a…
Good news: Dragon Age: Inquisition is pretty great. Less-good news: Being a story-heavy role-playing game, it…
We are now six weeks into the fall anime season, and with 50 shows on the air it can be more than a little…