![All of the Anime, Double Fine Game Jam, Xbox One Bundle [Deals]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/19evn72o4vl1ejpg.jpg)
Evangelion, Akira, Miyazaki, Yamato... so much to choose from in today's Amazon anime sale, including movies,…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z is a fighting game designed and manufactured in Japan by Banpresto in 1993. The game's cabinet is shaped like a robot with markings similar to Goku's gi (suit). The game features large sprites and a color palete that is identical Toriyama's water color scheme in the manga. The environments are semi destructible as chunks of wall or ground could be destroyed. The controls are unique as most of the characters movements are flight related. The playable characters are Goku, Super Saiyan Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, Frieza, Captain Ginyu, Recoome, and Burter.
Evangelion, Akira, Miyazaki, Yamato... so much to choose from in today's Amazon anime sale, including movies,…
Can't believe this one is only a couple months away now. Take 20% with code Y2OZM7-MJ3VHD-0AVTI1 at GreenManGaming.
Finally. Cards Against Humanity is back in stock on Amazon, along with its second, third, and fourth expansions.…
We're about to climb out of the customary two-month hibernation video games enter every December. An updated Tomb…
A live action Dragon Ball Z sounds silly, doesn't it? Maybe that's why this depiction of Dragon Ball Z, which is…
Not much cooking this week in terms of new releases, outside of Olli Olli on Tuesday for PS Vita. One more week of…
We're still in hibernation for major new releases, so our recap will again be more forward looking than focused on…
Something for everyone in today's deal roundup, including Torchlight II (code GFDJAN20) for $4, which is quite a bit…
Video gaming new releases are still deep in hibernation but there are a couple of notable titles coming this week.…
A few days ago Amazon celebrated the opening of their Playstation Network store by providing customers who purchased …