Microsoft has had a noisy year. The response to the Xbox One's unpopular always-online DRM was deafening. The…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Don't Dive Deep
Step into the spiritual abyss in "Don’t Dive Deep" to establish your justice. A sci-fi story of a face blind killer sneaking into the spiritual world. Explore target memories in unique hand-drawn 2D scenes. Facing mental pollution. Unravel people's thoughts and revise their thoughts.
Microsoft has had a noisy year. The response to the Xbox One's unpopular always-online DRM was deafening. The…
When people talk League of Legends, they throw around a lot of numbers. 32 million monthly players. 5 million people…
At-home motion capture. Heart rate detection. Compatibility with smaller spaces. Microsoft has been promising…
The latest North American entry in Namco Bandai's beloved Tales series of role-playing games has arrived for the…
Around the middle of this past anime season, I called Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet one of the five anime you…
Details on how the Xbox One and PS4 will work are still a little unclear. So it's no surprise that this week's…
I first watched Chris playing the enjoyable-looking (and hugely popular) Xbox 360 zombie survival game State of…
Months before I had played Dark Souls, I came across a list of things that players should finish up at the end of…
Last week, I headed over to Maxis headquarters in Emeryville to spend a big chunk of time playing SimCity. I decided…
I've been writing for Kotaku, off and on, since 2007. I've been reading it longer than that. One of the accounts I…