Two hours. At most, three. That's all the time you'll need to blaze through a trippy video game hallucination that…
My childhood friend suddenly came to stay at my room. Wait, are you a woman!? I'm at least humane enough to let you stay here for a while if you have nowhere to sleep. Huh? You're giving me "AKIRA Point" as a token of gratitude? OK, so what type of bonus will I get when I earn the point enough? ---- Yeah, I like the bonus.
Two hours. At most, three. That's all the time you'll need to blaze through a trippy video game hallucination that…
When I talk with older anime fans, the biggest complaint I hear is that everything has become nothing but moé,…
The very successful .gif machine that is Mario Kart 8 has dropped to new low of $45. Luigi, take the wheel. [Mario…
This past weekend saw the release of the third part of Ghost in the Shell Arise in theaters across Japan. And while…
Overpriced DLC, outsourced boss battles, fake Wii U exclusivity, and a lot of bullshit has surrounded Deus Ex: Human…
I love anime music. Long before I even took my first Japanese class, I was rocking out to anime theme songs. And as…
Katsuhiro Otomo created the now classic Akira manga. He brought that to the screen as a groundbreaking anime. And…
You know the coolest scene in the classic 1988 anime Akira? It's when Kaneda slides his motorcycle to a halt.…
Akira Toriyama is returning to Dragon Ball once again with the release of the new anime movie Dragon Ball Z: Battle…
Anyone who knows me knows that my second-favorite hobby (after making sure my fingernails have no white parts) is…