You do not simply save a bunch of money by preordering all these upcoming high-profile releases... what's that? You…
You do not simply save a bunch of money by preordering all these upcoming high-profile releases... what's that? You…
The Black Widow leads off this selection of the best-looking comics you'll be able to buy from Marvel in August 2014:
At a special event in Los Angeles this morning, Disney announced the second phase of its toys-meets-games franchise,…
The Star Wars universe as we know it is changing.
You pay $60 for many of the new games you play, but how much does a blockbuster game cost to make? Although it is a…
Avi Arad, the man who helped put many comic book heroes on the big screen, including Spider-Man, Blade, and Iron…
In an interview published in the 2012 book Gamers at Work: Stories Behind the Games People Play, gaming luminary Warr…
Greg Rucka doesn't seem like somebody who needs help making his dreams come true. This is, after all, a man who…
Our weekly roundup of the new mobile games we've played over the past five day period is usually filled with physics…
The LinkedIn profile of Avalanche Studios cofounder and CEO Christofer Sundberg provides some compelling insight…