For some people in Japan, Sony is already dead. The only question they have is how did Sony die, or who killed it,…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Dirty Mind
Mike is trapped in his own nightmare and needs to survive to wake up. just like in real life if Mike runs out of his medicine he will start to see strange things, so he must manage his resources well
For some people in Japan, Sony is already dead. The only question they have is how did Sony die, or who killed it,…
This is Mike Fahey with Kotaku, reminding you to keep your pets spayed and neutered, in honor of a The Price is Right…
What do people really know about how video games get made? Sure, today's players know that games get designed,…
In a year filled with addictive action-RPGs with names like Diablo, Borderlands, and Torchlight, it might seem…
I like the color pink, and I'm not ashamed to say it. I wear pink shirts, I have a pair of pink boxers and a few…
Don't you just love having a pet?
It's not lost on us that a good chunk of Kotaku's readership and commentariat is perplexed by our decision to play,…
Hey kids! If you play your cards rights you might one day be the owner of your own cafe, working tirelessly day in…
You have to admire a man who enjoys a role he played so much he stars in what is essentially a big-budget fan film…
While porn star Tsubomi recently appeared in the Persona porno parody, that's not all the 24 year-old has appeared…