I've written before that I don't care much for adaptations. If I love a game, I don't need to see a movie about it.…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Desire City
I've written before that I don't care much for adaptations. If I love a game, I don't need to see a movie about it.…
The most common email response I received to my previous column ("Japan: It's Not Funny Anymore") was a perplexed…
After some of Japan's biggest manga creators voiced opposition, Tokyo's virtual child pornography bill has been dela…
The "This Week In Comics" effort here at Kotaku weathers a rough February. But here's a second installment (late!),…
Cops in Oklahoma City are looking for a 43-year-old woman who they say met a 14-year-old boy in PlayStation Home and…
We can't all be rock stars. Or can we? Why can't we all be rock stars? Who says we can't all be rock stars?
"I've always been a non-violent person," Tim Jones told me last week as we chatted in a subterranean nightclub in…
My room had a private balcony, a calming view of the Pacific, and beaches a few hundred feet away. Like dozens of…
This is the third in a series of posts labeled "Hindsight" that discuss games you may have thought we were done…
Whether played as an appendage to Grand Theft Auto IV or as half of a standalone disc, the latest GTA installment…