There are no monsters in Near Death, a new video game about escaping an otherwise abandoned, wrecked and unbearably…
There are no monsters in Near Death, a new video game about escaping an otherwise abandoned, wrecked and unbearably…
First impression in a room full of people playing virtual reality games: these people look goofy, and the games…
If there’s one thing you do a lot of in the new Attack on Titan game, it’s slaughter titans.
The year was 1999. The dream: simple. Make a new Mad Max game. Make the kind of Mad Max game Australians could be…
Held together by Slime Blocks and Redstone, the Minecraft X-Wing blazes through the trench, heading towards the…
In 2015, you liked reading about Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3. You liked lists of top games. You mourned the passing…
We recently took a break from our usual back-and-forths about video games to chat about the new Star Wars movie:…
When Final Fantasy VII arrived in 1997, it was unlike anything I’d ever played before. Late nights, lots of…
On its surface, being un-killable seems like something wonderful. But in the world of the new anime film Ajin: Shodo,…