At 29, Sean Robinson has been teaching high school in Southern California for almost six years. He teaches 10th…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Day at School My Teacher Game
At 29, Sean Robinson has been teaching high school in Southern California for almost six years. He teaches 10th…
As a child of the 90s I was raised on a steady diet of Disney movies and positive reinforcement. I grew up in a…
Souhei Niikawa is the CEO of Nipponichi Software, the maker of such hits like the Disgaea series, and Phatom Brave.…
If you like video games, there's a good chance that you like TV shows. But which TV shows would make for the best…
Commenter GiantBoyDetective is going to cry, because little kids can be dicks. In today's Speak Up on Kotaku he…
It’s not every day you discover a whole new way to play video games. Yet over the past month, I’ve done just…
If you ever complained about homework increasing as the days got longer and the weather warmer, well, the tables…
Hearing complaints lavished on the use of chopsticks. People praising your Japanese after you utter an "arigatou".…
When you're 14 years old and set out to make a game, you don't anticipate it will take 16 years to complete. Nor do…
Editor's Note: Ben Bertoli is a longtime Kotaku reader and commenter, a lifetime, dedicated video gamer, and a…