2/9/20The Weird, Funny Things That Make Pokémon Sword and Shield So DelightfulThe idea behind Pokémon games is a weird one. Kids trekking across the country in their quest to collect cute,…ByNarelle Ho SangPublishedFebruary 9, 2020
ReviewsYear in ReviewReviewsYear in ReviewThe Year In Video Game Skies, 2019Despite video games’ best efforts to make me spend my time staring down at the floor and picking up random junk, I…ByEthan GachPublishedDecember 26, 2019
ReviewsYear in ReviewReviewsYear in ReviewThe Biggest Video Game Disappointments Of 2019We had such high hopes for 2019, and then it happened. Sure, there was good stuff, but there were some downers, and…ByStephen TotiloPublishedDecember 20, 2019
ReviewsYear in ReviewReviewsYear in ReviewThe State Of PC Gaming In 2019Sometimes, as borders erode, new fissures form in their wake. In 2019, more games flowed between PC and other…ByNathan Grayson and Riley MacLeodPublishedDecember 5, 2019
CultureCultureOur Best (And Worst) Memories Of The PlayStation, 25 Years LaterOn this day 25 years ago, the Sony PlayStation released in Japan. A lot of us here at Kotaku have pretty fond…ByNatalie DegraffinriedPublishedDecember 3, 2019
12/3/19Resident Evil 3's Nemesis Is Still TerrifyingResident Evil is the zombie horror game, but its shambling corpses are slow and easy to avoid. To reinvigorate the…ByHeather AlexandraPublishedDecember 3, 2019
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsI Never Knew Dying In Borderlands 3 Could Feel So BrutalSometimes you really need to kill a dude, and you just can’t, and it sucks.ByEthan GachPublishedNovember 26, 2019
CultureCultureThe Week In Games: Are You Ready For Some Soccer?This week one of the biggest new releases is FIFA 20, a game that I know almost nothing about. I know it has soccer…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedSeptember 23, 2019
CultureCultureWhy Super Meat Boy Forever Is Taking ForeverSuper Meat Boy designer Tommy Refenes knew that the name Forever was cursed territory in video games. Originally, he…ByNathan GraysonPublishedSeptember 9, 2019
5/31/19How Dragon Quest XI Tells An Entire Story With HaikusThe wind blew you here. Surely it was not by chance. Will you hear my tale?BySam DesatoffPublishedMay 31, 2019