The following is an excerpt from Earthbound, Ken Baumann's upcoming book about Nintendo's cult classic 1994 RPG.
Race around your desktop!
The following is an excerpt from Earthbound, Ken Baumann's upcoming book about Nintendo's cult classic 1994 RPG.
I was designing a user interface for someone else's social game the other day, and I was completely oblivious that…
Polyphony Digital, known for its Gran Turismo games, created one of the greatest mecha games ever—a fact the…
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The other day, I mentioned to my friend of 10 years that I was doing research on massively multiplayer online…
There comes a point in the new A-Team movie when, if you've ever played Modern Warfare, you'll sit back in your…
I've always been quite sensitive to certain types of friction. (I considered writing that sentence 10 different…
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