9/14/19Other Things You Could Buy With The $2.875 Million It Costs To Get The Newest GTA Online CarGrand Theft Auto Online’s newest car was added this week and it is the most expensive standard supercar in the game.…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedSeptember 14, 2019
ReviewsSwitchReviewsSwitchDaemon X Machina: The Kotaku ReviewDaemon X Machina, out September 13 from Marvelous, is a game about gigantic customizable mechs. Here is another way…ByNatalie DegraffinriedPublishedSeptember 13, 2019
CultureCultureConfessions Of A Teenaged Strip-Mall GameStop DelinquentEverybody at the strip was convinced that Caleb had stolen the cash. We were leaned back in uncomfortable metal…ByCecilia D'AnastasioPublishedSeptember 9, 2019
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsTrying To Please Everyone In Fire Emblem Is Turning Me Into A SociopathI knew I had a problem when I saw a timer appear and my first reaction was to immediately hammer my Nintendo…ByNathan GraysonPublishedJuly 31, 2019
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OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsMario Maker 2 Lets You Feel Like A SpeedrunnerPsst—hey, you! Do you want to be a Mario speedrunning genius? Okay, you might not be able to, but Super Mario Maker 2…ByJordan CallPublishedJuly 9, 2019
CultureCultureWhat We Loved About Spider-Man: Far From HomeSpider-Man: Far From Home is the second movie following the newest Peter Parker, played by Tom Holland. The film…ByJoshua Rivera and Paul TamayoPublishedJuly 8, 2019
ReviewsMultiplatformReviewsMultiplatformWILL: A Wonderful World: The Kotaku ReviewWhen I booted up the Switch port of WILL: A Wonderful World, the game told me about its autosave function. Then I…ByNatalie DegraffinriedPublishedJuly 2, 2019
AnimeAnimeTen Anime To Watch If You Liked Neon Genesis EvangelionSo you just finished watching Evangelion on Netflix, and you’re wondering where to go from here. I have a few…ByGita JacksonPublishedJune 28, 2019
CultureKotaku Game DiaryCultureKotaku Game DiaryStreet Fighter's Queer Stereotypes Kept Me In The ClosetLast year during Pride month, I wrote about my own queer reading of the Street Fighter V tutorial, which features…ByMaddy MyersPublishedJune 28, 2019