Hohokum is almost definitely the strangest video game I've ever played in my life. I swear I can hear the new game…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Crazy Shoot
Hohokum is almost definitely the strangest video game I've ever played in my life. I swear I can hear the new game…
Do you trust your local television media? In Japan, some folks are suspicious of the country's television media.…
Count yourself fortunate if you have a PlayStation 3. You’re in for a good time.
"We didn't make this game with the idea that we wanted to make a simplified shooter or a dumbed-down shooter or…
There's really no getting around it: many, many games are about violence, and sometimes it can be a bit much. Kill…
Earlier this week, a Chinese man was camping with friends in the Huairou region when he seems to have spotted a…
There's a PlayStation mural outside of E3. It features PS mainstays in boats, a parody of this George Washington…
Hello Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column that's short on bullshit, tall in…
Let's start with the good: last night's 24, like all episodes of 24, was crazy fun to watch.