Lipstick. Long hair. Cute dresses. They're beautiful women, but they're not necessarily all women. In Japan, they're…
An adult RPG developed by Nampurrow in 1993.
Lipstick. Long hair. Cute dresses. They're beautiful women, but they're not necessarily all women. In Japan, they're…
The audience laughed loudly once during the first film festival screening I've ever seen of a video game.
I got my boutique-built gaming computer in the mail today. It was a monster, packed in a wooden crate and…
You all helped me figure out what pieces and parts to put into my gaming computer, so it's only fair that you get…
Another techy Sony product with more big promises. We've been here before, right? Not this time, though. If the…
Some year-end retrospectives play out to the accompaniment of a tinkly piano. Others to a cheese-cloth montage. Our…
You've never heard of this game. It's in only one cabinet, playable in one city and, generously estimating, maybe…
What happens when you take the magical world of Harry Potter, mix in a little Gears of War shooting and Splinter…
After teasing the first statue in their Left 4 Dead 2 line on Wednesday, Gaming Heads sends us detailed pictures of…
Summer is tough on the person who loves playing video games. How can one survive gaming's hottest, sweatiest and…