Let's play a game. Imagine you are not you. You are, instead, Sony Computer Entertainment boss Kaz Hirai. And you…
Less talk, more bullet! Do you have what it takes to bring down your enemies and make it to the finish line? Run. Shoot. Cover. Take action! Counter the terrorists and break them into pieces!
Let's play a game. Imagine you are not you. You are, instead, Sony Computer Entertainment boss Kaz Hirai. And you…
You press a button; a character on the television screen jumps. You press the same button again, while the on-screen…
Earlier, The RAM Raider accused Eidos of trying to fix review scores for Batman: Arkham Asylum, a claim Eidos…
Swimming is something you and I can probably do — and will do more this summer. But swimming has long been an…
This week's Nintendo Download features two new downloadable titles for your DSi, a Pitfall adventure on the Virtual…
Zombies are suddenly hot again. Recent films, books and comic series have reignited the worlds love of the…
No Killzone 2 demo for PAL users this week because, well, we got that weeks go. In its stead, then, we get the HAWX…
Well, we did ask. Our heavily inked readers have sent in a plethora of pictures detailing the game-related tattoos…
Activision has released the entire track listing for their upcoming upgrade to the Guitar Hero franchise, Guitar…
The series that jump-started the hunting video game craze returns this fall to the PC and Xbox 360 as Atari…