Greetings, you corrupting porn tentacles, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the first dating advice column to compete…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Buddy
Buddy is a horror adventure based on a little girl Mary’s story nightmare. Will you able to distinguish the real story from the girl's fantasy?
Greetings, you corrupting porn tentacles, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the first dating advice column to compete…
Last night a buddy and I made the possibly ill-advised decision to learn and play a game of Eldritch Horror in a…
Irredeemably bad video games are a simple, tidy affair. Their badness is straightforward. The game stinks. It was a…
The buddy system is Pokémon Go’s latest cloying grab at my ‘90s kid nostalgia. Think about it: you, your favorite…
Now that the Pokémon Go buddy system is widely available, players everywhere are faced with a big decision: who…
Pokémon Go’s anticipated new buddy system rolled out over the last few days. Yesterday, everybody received access to…
I hadn’t realized just how badly Destiny needed private competitive matches until today, when Bungie added them to…
Alongside Pokemon Go’s new “Buddy System” update comes a nostalgia-piquing Easter egg: After walking 10 kilometers with Pikachu, he’ll post up on your shoulder as you hunt Pokemon, according to The Silph Road. Under the “Buddy System,” walking with your chosen “buddy” Pokemon will earn them candy.
Next February, a new animated Lupin feature opens in Japan. Titled Lupin The IIIrd: Chikemuri no Ishikawa Goemon (Goemon Ishikawa’s Spray of Blood), the flick will center around Lupin’s samurai buddy, Goemon.
You’ve gotta wonder how much it cost to make Noctis’s hair. I mean, look at it. It’s a tangled black crown of spikes…