If you've ever just looked up at the sky while playing a Borderlands game you might've noticed the big H-shaped,…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Bubble Land
Russian arcade game inspired in Bubble Bobble.
If you've ever just looked up at the sky while playing a Borderlands game you might've noticed the big H-shaped,…
Get a $5 gift card by pre-ordering any version of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes today. It's not the deepest of…
I thought I was going to have to drop Mighty Avengers because Greg Land's art is so off-puttingly plastic. (That…
Meet the Rogers. They live in that tiny little house. One of the first families to move into my burgeoning…
Looking back on this week's SimCity launch debacle, it isn't just remarkable that the game's servers failed, it's…
For the seventh straight year, I'm publishing a list of all the games I started playing in the past year and all the…
You joined Facebook, which just proves Zuckerberg's plan is working. Whatever it is.
It's here. Nintendo's sixth console, bringing one new controller and two screens to your living room, hit store…
For some people in Japan, Sony is already dead. The only question they have is how did Sony die, or who killed it,…
College was good for debauchery, "experimenting," and surprisingly, video games. I guess I learned some things too,…