Pinball played right is an act of violence.
A Brick Game variant released in Brazil by Art Brink.
Pinball played right is an act of violence.
Based in the UK, Georgi "Calader" Simeonov works at Splash Damage, meaning he had a hand in the lovely "nothing but…
There are new comics to buy each week, and, as always, I have some suggestions...
You're right, David Cage, creator of games like Heavy Rain and Indigo Prophecy. You do sound stupid. But just the…
How does one go from being a displaced teenager with a dickhead father one moment to being an unofficial member of…
I've been playing Red Orchestra 2 for the past few days, and every time I boot it up, I get a strange feeling.…
Is the new Homefront necessary? Pardon that imprudent question, but when a man is drowning in a sea of first-person…
Go ahead. Look the grizzled, battle-scarred Marcus Michael Fenix in the face and tell him his third game sucks. You…
I'm back from a vacation in Istanbul where the wonders of an iPad and a Wi-Fi connection allowed me to download and…
Let's face it, half the things we do are window dressing. Take running alongside that limousine: it'd take an…