BioWare's Dragon Age franchise, like its science fiction spiritual sibling Mass Effect, creates a great deal of…
BioWare's Dragon Age franchise, like its science fiction spiritual sibling Mass Effect, creates a great deal of…
Last week, I headed down to Ubisoft headquarters in San Francisco to get a first look at their upcoming tactical…
Play a first-person shooter on a PC and you get the precision of a mouse. Play a first-person shooter on a console…
The two big releases this week on the PlayStation store are Infamous 2's bloodsucking "standalone add-on" Festival…
There's a moment early in Demon's Souls, immediately following the game's first major battle, in which the player…
In my hour spent wearing a macabre clown mask robbing banks, looting armored vans and freeing prisoners, I rarely…
The Elder... Novel? - This Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion novel landed on my doorstep today. I'll have to read it after…
The first act of Gears of War 3 is impressively muscular and surprisingly graceful, a role model for shooter fans…
It's a big week for the North American PlayStation Store, with an impressive collection of new downloadable games…
Kids and iPads are a better fit than you'd think—as long as those little hands are clean.