Hello and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating column to prevent the resurrection of Dracula.
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Blur
Made by the masters behind Project Gotham Racing and Metropolis Street Racer, Blur is a racing project by Bizarre Creations that aims to take arcade-style action and realistic driving physics to a whole new level. The game drops players into heart-pumping, electrified racing action with 20 cars on a track all targeting the finish line and battling each other as they trade paint and collect intense power-ups, including the ability to blast other cars out of the way with huge bursts of energy, boost their speed, and more. While controlling photo-realistic cars, gamers can use offensive and defensive attacks as they battle for the lead and careen through real-world track locations ranging from L.A. and San Francisco to the streets of Hackney, UK and the treacherous roads of Barcelona, Spain.
Hello and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating column to prevent the resurrection of Dracula.
Hello all you wheel-eyed death lemmings, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating column that survived all…
The latest keyboard to come from Logitech’s gamer-focused G series is a compact little number built specifically for…
At Furcadia’s September town meeting, a hundred humanoid animals lounged on purple pillows in a lush, 32-bit meadow.…
I had to wait my turn while a silver-haired man in an expensive suit took High Roller’s adult-sized big wheel for a…
Marco Plouffe is a veteran games artist who has done work for companies like Bioware, Capcom, Eidos and Blur.
While playing Astroneer, I kept messaging my colleagues about cool ways it had killed me. It was a morbid thing to…
The Resident Evil 7 demo got one final update over the weekend, bringing with it a solution to a riddle that has…
No Man’s Sky is getting better. The game that left so many people feeling burned back in August may still not live…
Sombra is a free spirit, a rebel. You can’t put her in a box. I mean that literally, by the way.