CulturePokemonCulturePokemonPokémon’s Mega Evolutions Are Cool But CruelGeneration VI’s temporary transformations are a fan favorite, but several of them cause actual harm to the userByKenneth ShepardPublishedSeptember 25, 2023
OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryAhsoka Episode 5 Review: The Ghost Of Anakin SkywalkerA beautiful but at times confusing episode, the latest Ahsoka story delves deep into her relationship with the…ByAlyssa MercantePublishedSeptember 13, 2023
ReviewsMultiplatformReviewsMultiplatformArmored Core VI: The Kotaku ReviewThe latest entry in the long-running mech series is opaque, taxing, and irresistibleByEthan GachPublishedAugust 23, 2023
Game TipsGame TipsBaldur’s Gate 3: 6 Tips To Avoid Combat If You're Not Into ItBaldur’s Gate 3’s tactical combat is tough, but part of the game is learning how to avoid it if you wantByKenneth ShepardPublishedAugust 11, 2023
Game TipsGame TipsBaldur’s Gate 3: 17 Features You'll Definitely Want To Mess WithChange how the camera moves, how dice roll, and get a sneak peak at NPC stats before trouble startsByClaire JacksonPublishedAugust 11, 2023
ReviewsMultiplatformReviewsMultiplatformBaldur’s Gate 3: The Kotaku ReviewLarian Studios’ deep fantasy RPG is as rewarding as it is arduousByKenneth ShepardPublishedAugust 10, 2023
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OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryFinal Fantasy XVI's RPG Elements Are Barely ThereThe more action-oriented installment in the franchise feels like Square Enix should've left its RPG mechanics outByHayes MadsenPublishedJune 23, 2023
Game TipsGame TipsTears of the Kingdom’s Frost Gleeok Is One Of Its Toughest Bosses, Until You Know ThisGather your fire-based items and as many arrows as you can carryByKenneth ShepardPublishedMay 31, 2023