Anarchy Reigns (released as Max Anarchy in Japan) is a beat ‘em up title from the makers of Bayonetta in the vein of …
Throw the disc and eliminate opponents defences. But be carefull... If he catches the disc, he will throw it back.
Anarchy Reigns (released as Max Anarchy in Japan) is a beat ‘em up title from the makers of Bayonetta in the vein of …
Tomorrow I'm hitting the road for a cross-country move, the sixth time I've driven the width of the nation since…
Evolved from a PSN title to a disc-based release, Sony's newest PS3 game, Tokyo Jungle has caught the attention of…
This awesome version of Mario was done by José Emroca Flores. You can buy his prints here if you're as in love with…
I can summarize my experience designing user interfaces like this: if you were to place a refrigerator and a toilet…
The other day on Twitter, fellow Kotaku writer Kate Cox mentioned she had just finished Xenogears, Square's classic…
If you're an RPG fan who doesn't own a super-fast gaming PC, you probably spent this time last year watching your…
Kingdom Hearts is one of those series whose quality varies wildly from game to game. Sometimes they are nothing but…
Warning, spoilers ahead, starting with the end of Casablanca:
It's been nearly ten years since Naruto made its animated debut in Japan. Over the past decade Studio Pierrot has…