Every fleet in EVE Online is only as good as the players leading it. But unlike real-life generals, the Fleet…
I know the narrative this game will forever be bound to. I know its problems, and I know the limitations of a Battlef…
The Star Wars universe expanded in a whole new way with the release of Rogue One, the first in a series of…
Whether it’s a good old-fashioned expansion pack or modern DLC, spinning additional content for already-released…
In video game years, Mario Kart 8 is already middle-aged yet remains virile. It maintains a healthy population of…
Activision revealed today that they’re adding online multiplayer to Skylanders: Superchargers. The game’s getting…
Recap movie Arpeggio of Blue Steel -Ars Nova DC- has 30 minutes of new footage. But while I liked what they added, I…