Announced yesterday, the Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix Limited Edition features an exclusive pin, and your preorder…
Band Saga is a roguelike where everything is procedurally generated by music.
Announced yesterday, the Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix Limited Edition features an exclusive pin, and your preorder…
If there's one lesson I've learned from Vinland Saga, it's that you don't fuck with Vikings.
I love Transformers. I don't mean the toys, the cartoons, the comics, any of that stuff. I mean the new Transformers,…
The Walking Dead Season 4 Limited Edition is up for pre-order now, $40 off the list price and with Amazon's…
Ubiquitous webcomic Penny Arcade's taken some rather poor stances on diversity in the past, leading some people (myse…
This probably goes without saying, but one of the things I love about video games is that they give me a (somewhat)…
Kingdom Hearts III, Watch Dogs, Wolfenstein, Titanfall's Season Pass, Dark Souls Collector's Edition. We've got your…
These beautiful compendiums are must-buys for Walking Dead fans, and the perfect way for those new to the series, or…
I've never been less emotionally invested in a character than I am in Final Fantasy XIII's pink-haired powerhouse,…
Pre-order The Banner Saga, which releases tomorrow, for $15 and get The Insane Viking DLC for free. Use code GFDJAN25…