Children’s console games have come a long way in recent years. Gone are the motion controlled mini-game bundles and…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Bad Parenting
Mr. Red Face, a fictional character created by adults to teach their children. It's said that he often appears late at night to give gifts to well-behaved kids. But is the story of Mr. Red Face really that simple?
Children’s console games have come a long way in recent years. Gone are the motion controlled mini-game bundles and…
I imagine that parents get struck with a revelation in the process of rearing a child that helps them appreciate the…
No parent should ever outlive their child. They definitely shouldn’t tear open their child’s chest while quoting a…
I didn't go home for Thanksgiving this year.
One day in March 2010, news began to surface that police in South Korea had arrested a couple for the death of their…
Like the action movies of the 1980s, mainstream video games view war through a pretty rose-tinted lens. Even when…
This local news report has all of the ingredients: Sex, teenage girls, the exploitation of them, video games, and a…
Dear Parents... We need to talk. There is something that has been eating at me for awhile, and I have had enough.
Chinese television is pretty bad, being mostly propaganda mixed with some weird socially obnoxious reality shows,…
Early last year, seventy French university students sat down in a room. A group of scientists told the students they…