Side-scrolling beat 'em up Double Dragon II: The Revenge, the arcade version is being remade for Xbox Live Arcade.…
Side-scrolling beat 'em up Double Dragon II: The Revenge, the arcade version is being remade for Xbox Live Arcade.…
Like... Mint? - It's good to see that they still have comics at Comic-Con (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)
With two of our number serving time covering the world's largest gathering of all things geek and glorious, only…
One of these days, when we least expect it, the Nintendo eShop will update and the new Nintendo Video app will be…
High-definition, big headed baseball is currently the hottest thing in Japanese video games. Konami's latest…
Bastion is a brand-new game out on Xbox Live Arcade this week. I've been playing it in advance of release for a…
Ridin' through this world, all alone. God takes your soul; you're on your own. That is unless you've got the…
Are you going to this year's San Diego Comic-Con? Then you must love video games, a medium that has a stronger…
Japan's hottest game right now is not made in Japan, which doesn't happen often. Maybe more surprising is that four…