Every year it seems our planet spins closer to catastrophe. Superstorms ravage our coastlines, and clean water…
Every year it seems our planet spins closer to catastrophe. Superstorms ravage our coastlines, and clean water…
The first Splatoon gave us a new way to play multiplayer shooters, a genre that sometimes feels stale. Two years…
Last week I asked you to take Governor Chris Christie on vacation, and man does that guy get around.
Battlefield’s next expansion will be In the Name of the Tsar, a campaign that looks at World War I’s Eastern front…
To what lengths do you go to introduce the return of one of your biggest franchises? If it’s for God of War, you…
Hail, ye Nintendo faithful! Loyal folk that you are, a Wii U rests beneath your TV. The console never quite hit its…
Thundercat is a bassist who blends video games into everything he does, and whose latest album situates references…
Take the alien aesthetic of Independence Day and set it to Massive Attack’s Mezzanine and you’ll have something in…
Despite its infuriating control issues, awful stealth missions, interminable boss fights and half-baked sidequests,…