As a four-man team of pro gamers was crowned world champion of Call of Duty in Los Angeles Sunday night, confetti…
Free MMO flight game. Formerly known as Flysis and Space Cowboy.
As a four-man team of pro gamers was crowned world champion of Call of Duty in Los Angeles Sunday night, confetti…
Subtle, beautiful, and unflinchingly consistent in quality, The Land Before Time Tridecology (or triskaidecalogy if…
I love anime music. Long before I even took my first Japanese class, I was rocking out to anime theme songs. And as…
It is axiomatic that just about nothing in video games happens—in the West, anyway—the week the United States…
The Xbox One launches today with 22 games (and some workout titles) you can play right off the bat. So we're here…
On day one of Sony's console launch, there are 24 games you can pick up to play on it. We've either reviewed or…
I was just chatting with Chris Person about Game of the Year contenders, and Gone Home was certainly a part of the…
It's impossible to escape the influence of Charles Darwin: even if you've never paid attention in class, his theory…
I didn't fully appreciate the next generation of consoles until last Friday, when I got the chance to play Skylanders…
After a big ruckus, Microsoft decided to change its Xbox One online policy. In the West, there were a variety of…