It's December. A whole year has gone by—a whole year without Skyrim. And yet it's obvious to me—to everyone—that…
It's December. A whole year has gone by—a whole year without Skyrim. And yet it's obvious to me—to everyone—that…
For some people in Japan, Sony is already dead. The only question they have is how did Sony die, or who killed it,…
Kazuma Kiryu. The "Dragon of Dojima" and one of the main protagonists of the Yakuza series. This walking powerhouse…
For those who are not familiar with the site, Glassdoor.com is essentially a repository of information on…
This week ends the summer for most people in school and for those who follow the rules regarding wearing white…
Earlier this summer, a trailer for Mass Effect: Paragon Lost, an animated Mass Effect 3 prequel, was released. As…
The world of video games is full of mighty people—people whose mere whims control what video games we play, what we…
Yesterday marked the release of Dragon Quest X, the newest title in one of Japan's most phenomenally popular series.…
For nearly a decade now, Nintendo has made a very focused effort to makeover how Japan views video games. To do…
Among hardcore Japanese otaku (geeks) there are few games more popular than those of The Idolm@ster series. The…