The Quest For Glory series, a giant in the history of PC role-playing (and adventure!) games, has been gone for…
2D Heroes is a sandbox survival MMORPG with a focus on player interaction.
The Quest For Glory series, a giant in the history of PC role-playing (and adventure!) games, has been gone for…
Ever since FTL first came out, I’ve been wanting a game just like it, only with more stuff to do. Crying Suns is out…
Just because you don’t have access to the fanciest gear around doesn’t mean you have to play subpar games. Even if…
Secret of Mana is a broken game that I will always love. Playing through the recent remake forced me to reckon with…
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are back in a 2D fighting game, thanks to their recent addition to Injustice 2. The…
Cartoon Network’s ongoing quest to make video games based on animated television that do not suck reaches a new…
Streets of Rage 2 is one of the greatest 2D action brawlers ever made and joins the pantheon of classic games like TM…
When she shoots, Samus Aran doesn’t miss. That’s one of the fundamental truths of the original Metroid Prime, the…
Every month a smattering of classic Neo Geo games comes to modern consoles thanks to Hamster Corporation’s Arcade…
Injustice is back to pit DC’s heroes (and villains) against each other in overblown 2D combat. It also put a ton of…