Amidst the pushcart vendors selling bacon-wrapped hot-dogs, religious leaders blasting damning sermons over…
It's game night in the house and what is more suitable for a social round than a well-maintained card game? After all, the game variants that make a 32-card stack possible, are almost immeasurable! But what if you feel like a well-groomed game, but neither teammates nor cards are in the house? What if you only have your Nintendo DS available instead? Do not worry, Rondomedia has an incredible solution for this incredible case! "11 card games" is the name of the miracle module, which in its memory not four, not seven, not nine, but an incredible 11 card games houses! What can go wrong in the face of this unexpected magnitude?
Amidst the pushcart vendors selling bacon-wrapped hot-dogs, religious leaders blasting damning sermons over…
Every week, Japanese game magazine Famitsu releases a list of the most anticipated games. The list varies somewhat…
Eighteen months ago, the people who make World of Warcraft and Diablo released a card game. Players liked it, for…
QUOTE | “I think some of that was predictable and preventable. If I’m just honest I would say that.” - Former Xbox…
Narrow wins, level-one teams, besting cheaters, Shiny Pokémon captures...Kotaku readers shared some of their most…
Batman: Arkham Knight still doesn’t run well on PC, and it’s not clear when (or if) that might change anytime soon.…
Hoo-boy, have you guys done some insane things in the name of gaming! I asked you guys to share some stories of the…
With the spring comes new anime—50 of them to be exact. But with so much anime, how do you know which ones to…
Earlier this week, I asked you guys to share your most memorable video game victories. The only thing more…
While recovering from a corrupted SD card on his 3DS, YouTuber Anthony Schwader discovered a means to delete…