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Gameloft VP Talks True HD and Motion Blur in the First Installment of On Display

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Hand-held devices are revolutionizing the gaming industry, and pioneers like Gameloft, the gaming powerhouse behind cross-platform social and media games such as Modern Combat and Spider-Man: Toxic City, have taken cues from the technological advancements of the LG Nitro HD. The True HD IPS Display with 16:9 widescreen capabilities are innovations that beget innovations by the developers at Gameloft, and their HD game store is just a button-push away from the LG Nitro HD home screen.

Gizmodo has partnered with LG Nitro HD to bring you On Display, an exclusive original video series in which the leaders in digital animation discuss how they do what they do and what the future of mobile tech holds for the future of creativity. In the first installment, Gameloft's Samir El Agili, Vice President of Production, talks about just how the LG Nitro HD's amazing screen affects what Gameloft brings to market.


Check out On Display above, and check back for the next installment, in which you'll meet app innovator and augmented reality specialist, Vivian Rosenthal of GoldRun, and click here to see what exactly about the brand-new LG Nitro HD is inspiring today's mobile innovators.