During tonight’s Game Awards aka Geoff Keighley’s trailer-thon (that’s also a game awards show), Ico and Shadow of the Colossus creator Fumito Ueda showed off a small glimpse of a still-untitled sci-fi-game featuring a big mech, an evil-looking cloud of dark energy, and a person in a cool space suit.
Here’s the short teaser, which features an ominous countdown and some stunning visuals. Apparently this is actual gameplay, or at least in-engine. (According to the trailer’s description on YouTube all footage was captured on a PC.)
The game is being developed by genDESIGN. In the trailer we can see a person climbing aboard a giant mech and then seemingly taking off in the head of the mech because it’s actually a giant spaceship...thing. I don’t know what’s going on, but it looks cool!
Fumito Ueda is famous for directing and creating beloved PS2 games Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. He then helped lead development on The Last Guardian via his own studio, genDESIGN. While that game wasn’t as popular as Ico or Shadow of the Colossus, it still maintained the same vibes as Ueda’s previous titles and earned many devoted admirers.
It seems like this is still very early and probably a couple years away. I mean, it doesn’t even have a title yet! Still, I’m excited to check it out because Ueda’s past work is awesome and him making a sci-fi game has me very, as the kids say, hyped. Hopefully it has a less rocky development timeline than Ueda’s last game, The Last Guardian, and we get to play it sooner than later. For now, we wait and think about that giant mech head.